I help people and organizations unleash their human power and build meaningful relationships through group conversations, creativity and play.

The quality of our relationships is everything

Science shows that meaningful relationships keep us happier, healthier, and help us live longer*.

  • Humans are social creatures. Each of us as individuals cannot provide everything we need for ourselves. We need others.

  • Relationships affect us emotionally and physically. Ever noticed the invigoration you feel when you believe someone has really understood you during a good conversation? Or a lack of sleep during a period of romantic strife? Or a period of loss and grief?

  • Our social life needs practice and creativity whether it is with colleagues, friends or intimate relationships.

Practice how to live a joyful life socially and creatively

Womanity Play is a thought-provoking and transformative process combining group conversations with philosophy, creative and improv group activities to provide a nurturing environment that fosters connection, exploration, and healing.

In our social groups, you will learn how to:

  • Develop essential social and creative skills, including active listening, curiosity, agility, presence, appreciation, and compassion.

  • Create with others the tools you need to respond to life’s challenges as it goes

  • Make intentional choices and navigate our changing world socially and creatively.

  • Practice and create meaningful relationships, make new friends.

Creating our lives together is not therapy; it’s therapeutic. And that creates joy.

*Harvard Study of Adult Development

“Aurélie is always a source of possibility. She opens up my imagination and my heart, always seeing and appreciating all of who I am.”

— Marni, Executive Recruiter, NYC, USA

Hi, I’m Aurélie Harp

I am an ICF AAC social and creative coach. I’m a stage director, writer and a performer with 20+ years of experience in marketing, relational leadership, group coaching, social therapeutic and the performing arts. I am a French immigrant who has become an American, a dedicated activist dedicated to empowering women, LGBTQ communities, and humanity as a whole. I am also a rebellious and joyful Buddhist, and I bring this unique perspective into the mix.

If you are ready to become the change you want to see, let’s embark together on a new social adventure.

Choose your way to grow

You can start with one-to-one circle, “grow a la carte”  and join a series or directly dive into an ongoing social group in person to meet new people around you or virtually to build connection all around the world.

And for businesses, we also offer Team Engagement Offsites, Creative and social workshops and programs.

What Clients Are Saying

I am learning that there is nothing wrong with me and that I have the power to create the relationships and life I want.

Veronique, School Principal, France

The experience of being in a group with Aurélie is very inspiring, intimate, and surprising. I connected with strangers instantly.

Odile, Community Director, USA

“Very refreshing to have such a creative-oriented moment vs. the usual team-building style”

Creative Lab Team, TikTok

Create meaningful relationships & Joy.

Get started.

Let us embark on a journey of relationships and creation,

Together as innovators and activists of our generation.

With creativity as our compass, and play as our guide,

We'll navigate life's challenges with grace and stride.

Through the lens of social therapeutic coaching,

We'll explore our emotions and our way of approaching.

As a theater director, writer, and performer,

I'll help you build ensembles and relationships to get closer.

Our sessions will be a playground of emotions and discovery,

A place where inclusivity and diversity take the lead.

We'll dance and improvise, and ignite our imagination,

Creating new solutions and responses with elation.

Join us in our quest for growth and transformation,

As we connect with people from every nation.

Together we'll build a community that's more profound,

And create a world where possibilities abound.

So come, let us journey together toward the unknown,

Where our collective creativity and passion are shown.

Let us become the change we want to see.